
Regular events...


10:00-12:00 Bible Study and prayer meeting - check Sunday Link for venue.


2:00pm (once a month) Wednesday Club 

8:00pm Bible Study and prayer meeting - check Sunday Link for venue.


We welcome the Jade Singers

We're collecting food in packets and tins for Mark's Pitstop, a charity providing support to local homeless people. There is a box at the back of church for any donations. Our ongoing collection is to help them keep their shelves stocked with food and other items they can give out to those in real need. Tinned or packeted food (to form a meal) are the priority but other personal items such as socks would also be gratefully received. (Please keep this in mind every week when you shop buy one get one free is a useful way of doing this.)

Thank you.

Church meeting dates: Second Tuesday of every other month usually Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept and Nov. with an additional AGM in April.

(Page under construction - call back soon for pictures and links to our Guides and Brownies...)