For those in peril...                     ...or otherwise!

Naval devotions for public worship or private prayer

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This is an unofficial beta site to examine the feasibility of lodging worship material on the internet for the use of Royal Naval Chaplains, those leading worship with a "nautical" theme including the Royal Marines, and any who wish to use the material for private devotion. The user interface and some other features may change when the site goes "live", however it is envisaged that it will retain a comparatively simple format to retain its usefulness over a wide variety of connection speeds.

Unless otherwise stated, copyright is either with the Crown vested in the Chaplain of the Fleet or in the public domain. Material may be freely downloaded and reproduced for the purposes of public worship or private devotion; use for any other purpose shall require written permission from the Chaplain of the Fleet or copyright holder.

Webmaster: Andrew Allcock