For those in peril...                     ...or otherwise!

Naval devotions for public worship or private prayer

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The links below will open a new window as detailed. These are links to external sites and no responsibility can be taken for their content - furthermore, these sites are subject to their own copyright arrangements and may have specific restrictions on the use of their material. If a link is broken or unsuitable, please inform the webmaster.

Bible Gateway Searchable Bibles in many versions and translations with commentaries.
Labarum Downloadable Anglican resources compiled for use by the British Army Chaplains. Episcopal resources site.
Oremus Bible Browser Searchable Bibles in a number of versions.
The Lectionary Page Episcopal version of the Revised Common Lectionary with readings and collects.
The Text This Week Readings, sermon outlines and many other resources including lectionary variations.
The Cyber Hymnal Searchable online hymnal with words and scores for many popular hymns.
Small Church Music Searchable online hymnal with words and scores for many popular hymns.
Scripture Union Scripture Union website including downloadable material for those with accounts.

The Buddhist Centre Introduction to Buddhism and resources.
Christian Enquiry Agency Introduction to Christianity.
Hindu resources Information and resources from Hindu Council UK.
Judaism 101 Independent comprehensive introduction to Judaism.
Muslim Worldwide prayer times Worldwide prayer times and other Muslim resources.

Sikh reference page Gateway to Sikh resources.

Royal Navy Chaplaincy Service Official page showing the work of the royal Navy Chaplaincy Service.
Royal Navy Chaplaincy Service Official page detailing career and rôle as a Chaplain in the Royal Navy.